Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas miricles...


I guess just about the time you think that life if going to just give you melons, you get some some awesome apples:)...okay i know that probably did not make any sense, but good news! I got into the nursing program for the winter 09 semester...Too cool and I really needed to have some great news. The past few days have been filled with paperwork for school and trying to figure out my life..yeah right, for the next few months.

The boys are doing well, lots of christmas gatherings for them this year...I cannot believe that the older they get the more invovled they become...

I am so looking forward to Weds because Patrick and I are going to bake cookies! We have not done anything like that in months, heck maybe since last Christmas...

So gotta get some sleep, I have pics but too tired to get them up tonight...maybe after making cookies:)


Jason and Mary Plus Two said...

Enjoy your days off! You deserve it!! Hope the baking goes good and you have some nice, quality bonding:-) Just don't forget to bring me some cookies this weekend at work!! Love ya!

P.S. CONGRATS once again on getting into the program!!! YEAH!!!!

Brandi said...

Hey Carrie! I hope that you and Patrick had fun baking! I am so glad that you now have something very exciting to look forward to! I am so proud of you! ;)