Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone! Merry Christmas!

I sure hope that you and your families have a great day and enjoy spending time together.

This year was my year to work the holiday at both FV and Holland...It has been a challenge and running around today will take it's toll, but it is worth it...

Missing Thomas so much totally sucks not having him home right now...Matthew and Patrick are doing their best to keep my spirits up thou...

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas miricles...


I guess just about the time you think that life if going to just give you melons, you get some some awesome apples:)...okay i know that probably did not make any sense, but good news! I got into the nursing program for the winter 09 semester...Too cool and I really needed to have some great news. The past few days have been filled with paperwork for school and trying to figure out my life..yeah right, for the next few months.

The boys are doing well, lots of christmas gatherings for them this year...I cannot believe that the older they get the more invovled they become...

I am so looking forward to Weds because Patrick and I are going to bake cookies! We have not done anything like that in months, heck maybe since last Christmas...

So gotta get some sleep, I have pics but too tired to get them up tonight...maybe after making cookies:)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

On ward...

Well the party was a huge sucesss! It was fun to have the gals over and just chat...relax and feel normal! The boys did an awesome job and were very respectful...they could have come out and said hey but chose to let mom have "girl time" that was totally awesome:) They even looked after the pups...Lucky and Teddy were very anxious to come out and see everyone and they did at the end...Baby girl popped out for a moment, but I still am just not sure how she is going to react to people.

The snow is falling, the tree is lite and the news is on...I really need to either sleep or study...but right now it is more fun trying to figure out what to get in free jewelry:)

Thanks Mary for coming and bringing your mom...she is awesome and you are very lucky to have was nice that Pam stopped and good to see the girls from Freedom Village...

So finals next week....wish me luck I'm going to need it...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow!

WOW! we have a ton of snow...well atleast it looks like it when you are driving in it!

Well I am totally ready for Lia Sophia party will be so nice to hang with friends for a while and enjoy some "lady" time...I am sure that the dogs will bark, etc...but the boys have promised to hold them off from the guests...I just hope that the roads are not too terrible...I really don't want anyone driving out my way if it gets bad out.

I do have a busy day...I really want to clean up a little..should not take too long...the lights outside probably won't get replaced before tonight, but hopefully they will light up...Gotta go to Family Fare and Target on the way home from Freedom to stop and pick up Matthews jacket after patch was put on.. oh yeah and sleep...Do I need sleep???

So ladies please drive safely, no one trec out if the roads are nasty and hopefully will see you all tonight:)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Holidays:)

Gosh I am really enjoying this so far...I know I can hardly believe it...

The house is totally decorated..just a few little things with dad this week and hopefully a pay check to finish up the boys...

Life seems really good right now as long as I don't think too much and ignore certain people...HA! is that not the secret to sucess????

One more week of school and then two finals..errrrrrrrr

I am so ready for this semester to be done...still no word from MCC...but I sent out another emails so hopefully will hear soon.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Wow I can hardly believe that it is Thanksgiving already! Where is the all of the time going? This year is fastly approaching an end and to be honest I am ready! 2008 has not been the greatest, however I am so very Thankful for my boys...

Thomas is off in New York today! I can hardly believe that he is 20, in the Navy and out exploring the world...good for him. I am thankful that he is healthly and can do all of these things!

Matthew is at Bev's today with Kristi...I am thankful that he has a good relationship with his grandma and aunt, even if he does not get along with his real father...he is working hard in school and only has 1/2 credit left to earn in order to graduate.

Patrick...yes I am thankful for his energy, sense of humor (no matter how dry) and just that he can be a kid...mistakes and all:). He is growing up so fast! My baby is I am old...

and Yes I am thankful for Marty...even thou things are totally up in the air I am thankful for the rare times that he reminds me of why we are married.

Friends and the rest of my family...Gosh I am so lucky to have freinds and support of family!

I am very fortuante to have everything that I have.

Last night I got more lights hung up and thought that I was all done only to find that one string short...of course I am working all day today and won't be able to get to Target until Friday which means that there is a very good chance that there wont be any left! I sure hope that I can find the same ones...

The wreats are all made and so are the swags...the popcorn is here too! Friday morning will be spent delivering wreaths and popcorn to all of those that have been so supportative of Patrick this year in Scouts!!!

I will get out and do very little more than likely will wait for another two weeks to get that shopping done...

Getting so very excited about my party this coming week...the house will be all decorated and it will be awesome to have friends over for don't forget you guys...Dec 4 7p my house LiA Sophia.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


It has been forever since I wrote anything and I feel that I am totally out of touch...there has been so much going on...I dont have any pics to post, but loved Mary's of the girls..

Halloween at work, yes at work was totally fun! Marcia is crazy! and Zonia OMG, she is insane...nice to know that I am not the only one!

Fall is here and gone, can you believe it? Today I loved watching the snow come down and can't wait to go shopping this week for the last min decorations that I need:)...I am not really ready to put up the tree and stuff yet but the more snow the better.

Thomas went ski diving! He was totally freaked out by the whole experience, but still thinks that it would be a "good thing" for me to do...???? HUH??? Like I have not already lost my mind..hahahaha

Matthew is studing hard for finals this week and believe it or not Patrick is studying too...Life will never cease to amaze me...

Marty is working at Herman third shift...miserable as is so draining to deal with that on a daily basis...but hey maybe he will agree to get on a pill or something, even go and talk to someone...not crossing my fingers or anything..but hey can't blame a gal for trying...

Okay I really have to get back to work with all of the Alzhiemer pts here at Freedom...Love you all:)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well I have to say that even thou I was stuck working, it was a blast! Zonia, Marcia and I had so much fun all dressed up and causing chaos! I cannot wait to get some pics up online for you all to see....the best part????.....Mary and Jason came by with Lola and Molly! They were so cute in their costumes:) I can not wait to see Mary post some pics:)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


More pics for you took forever, but I like it!

Fall has arrived!!!

Finally! The decoration of the "bus stop house"! Enjoy!!!!

Busy day off...

Well today so far (only 1030am) has already been busy busy...Laundry, school and got most of the house cleaned! I am attempting to bake, make supper and finish preparations for Friday:)

It sounds like there will be a good bunch of us being "Jail birds" on Friday...Mary is even stopping by with Lola and Molly! I cannot wait it is going to be such fun!

The boys are needing to goto good will and get stuff for their customes!!! It is such fun when they dress up...the only time they use imagination since they were little is at Halloween!

So back at it....and see you all Friday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The day after....

Okay so State won the game...but it was a good game...I just hope that Marty will stop rubbing it in:) may take a week or two...let's just say that I have not been that nice in the past!

Today is wonderful! You may laugh but I am attempting to put on jeans for the first time in a week...not going well...I have them on, and well 1/2 zipped:)...It just hurts too much to get them all the way zipped...and I really want to goto Target today!

So if you all see me at Target 1) don't laught if it looks like my pants are falling off 2) don't laugh when you see me is windbreaker pants:)

The wind is really beginning to pick up our leaves are all over the place, not to mention the neighbors leaves are now in my back yard...I just keep hoping for the wind to turn directions so the leaves all go over into the other neighbors yard! Gosh we are so friendly :) Nah, it really is not that bad, we share cleaning them all up and usually all burn within a few days of eachother so just in case there is another fall the leaves all get taken care of...THANK GOODNESS I DON'T HAVE WALNUTS!!! Mary I think that my whole family would have had to been seen in the ER by now your walnuts are huge!

The Naval Gods are not being very nice this year...we have word that Thomas may get sent out at Thanksgiving... please pray that they find someone else or even better realize that they don't need anyone!

Patrick looks soo good in his new glasses...he is still imbarassed, that is why no pics...

Matthew is working hard in school and just found out that he only needs 5/5 credits to graduate which means he could graduate in Jan 09 (that may be old news)

Okay so back to this jeans thing...or better yet finding those windbreakers.....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Go BLUE!!!!

Okay taking one quick min to remind you all that Michigan is playing State! This is the one game that Marty and I watch together...of course I am a Michigan fan and he is State....Can you believe that we are married???? We are totally opposites! Gotta luv the guy thou...

Okay you all enjoy the game...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rain Rain go away....

Well it is finally Friday! and raining...errrrr

Well I guess that is not so bad as I am still moving slow, but feeling better...I am very ready to get back to doing stuff with out cringing!

Can't wait to see Kristi's little one...I have totally infant withdrawal since Cohan left! But I am sure that pics will have to do for a while....

Halloween next week! Maybe by Sunday will have those fall decorations up! Yes Mary I will post pics:)

Had to send Thomas a shopping list for Thanksgiving...apparently I have been volunteered to cook for his department...not to mentioned our family...nothing like cooking on the fly! But hey it will be worth having them all around for a home cooked meal...

Miss everyone and can't wait to see you all...:)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wow you would think that after 2 days a not doing a whole lot that I would be feeling a lot better...NOT!

I cannot believe the amount of bruising that I have ! But I am hoping that Friday will be the day that I finally feel normal!

The boys are still little care takers which is totally awesome...I have spoken to Thomas more in the past 3 days than in the past month...Geez just have surgery and they call home...LOL...

Got two awesome cards in the mail today! They really made my day! Thanks Mary:)

I miss you all in the ER and am awaiting my return...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the Day After....

Well today I atleast feel like I have a clear head...Man all of those drugs and stuff can make you feel like you can't think! I barely remember any converstations that I had with anyone yesturday afternoon! and that is not just being blonde! I was feeling better last night and do remember speaking with Mary! You are totally awesome and thanks for the offer for food, you know that is the way to take care of anyone...I was shock but my folks brought pizza for the boys last night which made their day...not mine...I ate toast...Today got some cereal down...hopefully the nausea is going away that I can acutally eat.

Marty reviewed with me today what the doc had to looks all good the hemmoragic cyst was about the size of a small tangerine! No one wonder I have been uncomfy! the grown was about the size of 50 cent piece but looks totally beign...Okay not sure about the spelling. They apparently get sent up to pathology just to make sure that there is nothing missed and we are suppose to hear something later in the week..

I also have news on the boys...

The 'Naval Gods" have approved Thomas coming home after Christmas! So the tree will be up well into Jan...of course Marty will be so thrilled...

Matthew just found out yesturday that he only needs 5 credits to sounds like he wants to put in for an earily graduation in January...not too sure about this but for those that know him, he is not very active in school and misses the Army terribbly..

Patrick has been my little nurse! He baked my cookies last night which I could not eat and even made my some rice and brocli! I gagged it down with a smile and prayed that I would not vomit, but he wanted to make sure that I ate.."good for you mom" was all that I kept hearing.

The dogs learned rather quickly not to jump on my stomach...let us just say that Teddy went off the couch rather quickly:)

And finally I got to talk to Brandi's mom last night...she said that Brandi is very confused and missing Cohan...please pray for her...I have not talked to her as you all know her situation of no phone and only can leave messages...I wish that I felt better to go for a ride and try and see her at the apartment, but just sitting her typing is doing me in...

So with that I miss you all and look forward to coming back!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunny days are here???

Well of course it is Saturday and Sunny...and I am sitting inside working...well blogging:)

Sounds like y'all are going to enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation! Good for you!

I still have no idea what grade I got on the tests this past week, can't image what is taking so long...but keeping fingers crossed that all of that craming did the trick.

Thomas has Thanksgiving off so hoping to be able to go down and see him, and word from the "Naval Gods" is that he will be home after we are still waiting I guess.

Matthew is being "processed" in Walker today...whatever that means...but of course it is the Army and they don't tell us is all "need to know" meaning 10 secs before you have to have it done or do it they will tell you!

Patrick and Marty are at home working in the yard....

Can't wait for Sunday...I am finally going to finish fall decorating! Yes Mary I will post some pics...

Hey can't get intouch with Brandi...have her touch base....

Okay everyone enjoy the weekend weather, football, housecleaning, etc.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

okay Mary and Brandi...

Okay guys are got me into this....but now I don't see anything for you! What heck????

Just kidding, I know that work, school and testing can be a killer....

Word is that Peanut man is doing okay...not sleeping well and still vomiting small amounts, but healthy...

I am not ready to pull my hair out yet, but sick of studing for Genetics....

Happy Friday...hope to see you all there at the ER....(only employees no pts...)
Here we go! Another night of blissful work at FV allowing some study time that is much needed for the "BIG" one on Friday...

No word from the Navy dude yet, but fingers are crossed that approval from the "Naval gods" comes thru for Christmas...

Homework, homework, gosh high school and be rough....Man that could make a pretty good song...HMMMMM

Work search continues for the fourth child...he is so bored and honestly getting on my nerves...Men are not suppose to be at home this much:)

No news yet on Peanut Man but remember to keep praying for a resolution:)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

my first !!!

Okay no longer a virgin at is finally here! My crazy insane you can all sit back and think "gosh I thought that my life was crazy!"

We have said goodbye to our little house guest..atleast for new information for those that know, but will update as soon as we have clues...

No word from Thomas on arrival for leave in December, ever waiting so patiently...after all I am only mom....

Patrick is starting to finally get it together...

Mattthew can't wait to go back into Service...totally hates school..

and me well I think I passed one exam and instead of getting ready for the "BIG" one on Friday created this Blog for Mary:)