Thursday, November 27, 2008


Wow I can hardly believe that it is Thanksgiving already! Where is the all of the time going? This year is fastly approaching an end and to be honest I am ready! 2008 has not been the greatest, however I am so very Thankful for my boys...

Thomas is off in New York today! I can hardly believe that he is 20, in the Navy and out exploring the world...good for him. I am thankful that he is healthly and can do all of these things!

Matthew is at Bev's today with Kristi...I am thankful that he has a good relationship with his grandma and aunt, even if he does not get along with his real father...he is working hard in school and only has 1/2 credit left to earn in order to graduate.

Patrick...yes I am thankful for his energy, sense of humor (no matter how dry) and just that he can be a kid...mistakes and all:). He is growing up so fast! My baby is I am old...

and Yes I am thankful for Marty...even thou things are totally up in the air I am thankful for the rare times that he reminds me of why we are married.

Friends and the rest of my family...Gosh I am so lucky to have freinds and support of family!

I am very fortuante to have everything that I have.

Last night I got more lights hung up and thought that I was all done only to find that one string short...of course I am working all day today and won't be able to get to Target until Friday which means that there is a very good chance that there wont be any left! I sure hope that I can find the same ones...

The wreats are all made and so are the swags...the popcorn is here too! Friday morning will be spent delivering wreaths and popcorn to all of those that have been so supportative of Patrick this year in Scouts!!!

I will get out and do very little more than likely will wait for another two weeks to get that shopping done...

Getting so very excited about my party this coming week...the house will be all decorated and it will be awesome to have friends over for don't forget you guys...Dec 4 7p my house LiA Sophia.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Awww, I am thankful for you too! :) I hope FV was good to ya! Have fun shopping in the am! I am going too, ugh! See you this week~